The Art and Science of Rest

100hrs YA accredited continuing education

Golden Bay, Aotearoa (NZ)


What would it be like to move in this world held in a wholeness that is rested, reciprocating with a deeper sense of time, belonging and vibrancy?

The wells we draw from run dry,

we find ourselves spent, burnt out, overwhelmed

and still needing to keep up with the systems at play.

Until there's a way out, there must be a way in.

This training we gather both ancient wisdom and the most up to date knowledge on rest and wholehearted living in an attempt or an invitation, to 'drink from a deeper well' as the poet David Whyte has said.

And to learn how to reside there alongside this deep wellspring of vitality that is always moving, always generous.

This 100hr training is made up of 70 contact hours and 30 non contact hours.

We focus on knowledge and practice in the 70 hours we have together in person.

The remaining 30hrs non-contact are for those wanting to move toward certification as Terra Soma™ facilitator,

and/or receive feedback and support with their delivery of this content.

The 30hrs are made up through continuing study, class preparation, class delivery and assessment.

Topics of exploration for this training are :

  • Breath dynamics, the intricacies of relationships between breath, neurochemical, neuroendocrine & neuropsychological systems

  • Nervous systems, their complexity and interplay

  • Poly vagal theory in action, adaptive responses and therapeutic practices

  • Digestion, how rest vs active states affect our digestion and assimilation of food, life, environment, and emotions

  • Brain wave states

  • Balancing negativity bias

  • Yoga Nidra

  • Authentic movement /processing - daily practice of self regulation and authentic expression.

  • Terra Soma™ yoga, daily morning practice of somatic inquiry through asana, free movement, pranayama, mantra and seated meditation.

  • Terra Soma™ dance, dance as process /entrance to the waking dream

  • Accessing deep psyche through sound and story

    ... And a bounty more in relationship with fellow students and the spontaneity of what is alive moment to moment in the room as we grow together.

Daily Rhythms

6:30am āsana followed by a selection of kriya, pranayama, mantra and mudra practice. Finishing with seated meditation.

9am breakfast

10am lecture and experiential

12pm lunch

2pm authentic embodiment practice

2:45pm lecture and experiential

4:30pm lecture and experiential

6:30pm dinner

8:30pm co-regulate evening practice

Words of praise from our students

Jane & Juliette

Jane and Juliette met through a serendipitous blessing from the digital God’s in 2020. Jane is the facilitator of embodied anatomy and physiology in the Awakening Arts 200hr program. A pillar of support to the stewardship of Awakening Arts, Jane’s expertise in western medical science, phenomenology and therapeutic yoga provide our students with clear, applicable knowledge and experience. Studying with Jane students deepen in both understanding and felt-awareness of the human body/being, and have the opportunity to become sensitive, knowledgable teachers grounded in humility and curiosity.

Jane and Juliette bring their complimentary perspectives together in this training to weave a wholistic experiential training that tantalises the brains enthusiasm for the nitty gritty science facts (western and yogic), and the hearts necessity for connection and expression through story, song, dance and visual art.

“We hope you leave this training satiated with rest in such a wholehearted and genuine way. We intend this training to be a place of renewal into a sustaining sense of grounded, supported being.

We also intend to have you leave with a manual and your notebooks full of knowledge, new tools and skills to share, along with a body - your body, resourced and resonating rest.”

- Juliette McConachy

Payment and room selection.

Payments will be made in three parts;

Course fees to Awakening Arts

Early bird $1,575

Standard $1,825

Food $405

Accomodation $320

Early bird pricing total: $2,300 booked by Jan 31st with deposit / paid in full by April 15th

Standard pricing total: $2,550 booked with deposit / paid in full by April 15th

6 x Payment plans available. $1000 to be paid by commencement, remaining $1550 to be paid in instalments by august 12th.

“Our worth does not reside in how much we produce, especially not for a system that exploits and dehumanizes us.

Rest, in its simplest form, becomes an act of resistance and a reclaiming of power because it asserts our most basic humanity.

We are enough.”

— Tricia Hersey, Rest Is Resistance, A Manifesto